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ดูรายการโปรด เพิ่มเป็นรายการโปรด

S Y N T H E S I S / b o g o r , i n d o n e s i a

a Manny Librodo Workshop with Sense of Colors
b o g o r , i n d o n e s i a
9 - 10 j u n e 2 0 1 2


Kharu and I dedicate this album to our dear friend, Dr. Ketut (and to my other good Indonesian friend, Mr. Ario Wibisono).


A merge of talent, an artistic conglomeration, a highlight of creative cultures and nuances... these are what this workshop is all about. A mix, an interplay... a synthesis.

The first 3 concepts showed Indonesian culture at its finest. Elaborate, colorful and exotic. The last concepts of Kharu was 50% sweet and 50% feisty. The participants were 50% talent, 40% enthusiasm and 10% whatever they chose to be.

Thanks you so much Fajar for giving me one of my best workshops ever. Thank you everyone.



Organized by Fajar Kristiono
Main Model : Kharunisia Jazmin
Second Model : Jolene Maria
HMUA/Stylist/Designer : Kharunisia Jazmin
MUA for Jolene Maria : Adi Mulyadi Kebaya
Bali Dancer MUA/Stylist : I Wayan Suarka – Art Shop Kuta Bali Dwiguna
Kebaya Designer and Sponsor : Adi Mulyadi Kebaya, Joice Laurina Rambing
T-Shirt Sponsor : www.thinkcookcook.com
Projector Sponsor: Haryo KS
Props Sponsor : Erwin Sugito, Prapanca Doang
Design & Printing : Je Ahmad
Assistant : Prapanca Doang, Jeremy Farizky, Fajar Kristiono, Daniel Dannoz, Nanda Dimas
Props Assistant : Ibnu Akbar, Triyono, Acmad Nurudin, Dimas Pandu Ajie Videographer : Kiki Chandra Production
Special Thanks to Dr. Ketut Martiana for Main Concept Idea “Paes Agung Bali”

Participant: 1. Wahyu B. Sulistyo 2. Kustiyah Yasin 3. Dhian Triharsya 4. Joni Effendi Alir 5. Deddy Heruwanto Photoworks 6. Rully Diyantino 7. Bobo Adi 8. Ida Hks 9. Anthea Shifra Kristiono 10. Sony Kurniawan 11. Afida Sukmaningdari 12. Taman Tan 13. Michele Januardi 14. Ruly Wardana 15. Isaac Chiu 16. Erwin Sugito 17. Lili Natalia 18. Frans Liem 19. Jenny S 20. Iwan Sujianto
Credit: https://www.facebook.com/manny.librodo
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มีผู้เข้าชมแล้ว 5,964 ครั้ง
โพสท์โดย: MrDEEW , 12Y
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S Y N T H E S I S / b o g o r , i n d o n e s i a
64 VOTES (4.9/5 จาก 13 คน)
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