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Naga Ordination Ceremony in Isan | THAILAND 🇹🇭

โพสท์โดย อ้ายเติ่ง

บวชนาคอีสาน 📸 Credit: Thanawat Loetsriphet

The ordination ceremony (UPASAMPADA) Northeastern, Thailand.

✦ Buddhism is an integral part of Thai culture. Thais believe that when a man turns 20, he should be ordained and enter a monastery for a period of time to study dharma, the teachings of the Lord Buddha.

✦ The ordination ceremony or Buat Nak (บวชนาค) in Thai language is, therefore, a very important rite of passage for Thai males.

The monk or novice ordination ceremony which is considered one of the great traditional ceremony for many people in Thailand especially Northeastern part of Thailand.
Being ordained as a novice or a monk is one way of making merit to himself and parents.

✦ In Thailand, boys under 20 years old can be ordained as novices, and any man can become a monk when he is at least 20 years old.
Therefore, novice or monk ordination ceremony is one of the most important traditional ceremony for many people in Thailand especially Northeastern part of Thailand.

Credit: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=ThaiCultureToTheWorld&set=a.268851105464649
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โพสท์โดย: อ้ายเติ่ง , 1Y
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Naga Ordination Ceremony in Isan | THAILAND 🇹🇭
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